Finding how to worship everywhere and every way

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday AND Easter

Hey everyone!

As you may or may not have noticed, I took a break from posting here for about three weeks. Basically, life got in the way- I've been pretty busy. My original purpose for creating this blog was to chronicle my college experience, so I'm not going to feel compelled to post with any sort of rigidity until then.

Speaking of my college experience, I am PUMPED for the fall! Taylor University is going to be a fantastic place for me to spend the next four years of my life. I could not possibly type out the words to communicate to you all how excited I am. WOO!

In other news: Holy Thursday? Holy Saturday? Easter Monday? Are these real? Apparently, yes, according to various different calendars I have seen recently. It's great that we get to extend our Easter celebrations a little with more days off school or more services at various churches, but do we really need to give them new names? I guess so.

Anyway, I'm writing this on Good Friday, after coming from my church's service. By the time you are reading this, it is no longer Good Friday (apparently it's "Holy Saturday!"), so writing about Good Friday itself would be a little mistimed. Thankfully, we've got Easter coming up- surely we can blog about that!

I actually really like the relationship between Good Friday and Easter. You could say the same thing about the relationship between Christ's death and his resurrection (what those two holidays celebrate, respectively). I like how they are both equally important- one doesn't have the necessary magnitude without the other. If Christ had just come and died, then it would have been clear that he was, in fact, not God. Thankfully, Good Friday isn't the end of the story, and Christ asserts his victory over death with his resurrection. In the words of the poet Propaganda, he "payed a check with his life... and at the resurrection we all cheered because that means the check cleared!" Jesus ascending back into heaven would have proven his Godhood, but if he did so without first paying the price for our sins, it wouldn't be of any use to us. The events celebrated by Easter and Good Friday are two parts of the same glorious event.

As it is, Jesus came and died in exactly the most perfect way possible. Nothing was left to chance. Infinite God becoming fallen man and taking on all of our punishment, the central event in all of history, there is nothing so beautiful in the whole world. From our perspective, at times, it just doesn't make sense- WHY would such a powerful and perfect being take such a punishment for ME, so unworthy?

God's love doesn't make sense to us. Really, why do we think it should? We can't comprehend it. The cross and what it means are something we will never be able to fully wrap our minds around. "GOD LOVES YOU" is the craziest sentence you have ever heard! THAT is wonderful! THAT is the kind of good news that gets us singing or dancing! THAT is the love we celebrate over this weekend.

Have a wonderful Easter everyone, enjoy the grace fallout. I'll talk to you later.

Oh, that rugged cross my salvation
Where Your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out hallelujah
Praise and honor unto Thee
-"Man of Sorrows" Hillsong LIVE