Finding how to worship everywhere and every way

Friday, June 13, 2014

Regular Posting Approaches!

A time when I regularly post on this blog is approaching! Originally intended to chronicle my college experience (but created early), this blog should see more action in the coming months, eventually settling into some regularity. In the meantime, I've been quite busy recently (why I haven't posted much), but all of this business has given me plenty to write about tonight!

I graduated high school two weeks ago! I'm obviously very glad. This whole year in school was gruelingly difficult, it is very energizing to no longer be caught in the loop of labor school became in its last weeks. Come the actual moment when I said goodbye to them, I noticed that I'll miss some of my high school friends than I thought I would. Huh. Thankfully I still have a few months to spend with all of my CRAVE friends, the thought of leaving them is truly heartbreaking.

Unfortunately, those few months will not be completely carefree, as just before my graduation I got a job. I'll be working at Burger King 5 or 6 days a week, unfortunately not allowing for as much free time as I may have imagined, but helping me out a lot with college funding and whatnot. Work itself has been a pretty interesting experience and will probably yield a post of its own at some point.

In between the time I spend working, I've been getting super excited about going to Taylor next year! I've got music theory placement tests to study up for, summer orientation to attend next weekend, and plenty of packing to do. I have a lot more excitement bundled up inside of me for next year than I could ever write.

Also, in the "what's new?" department, I've been taking voice lessons for about a month now. Although I have had a passion for worship music for more than four years now, at least three of those were spent with no attempt to be vocally disciplined at all and I ended up singing habitually quite badly. As I paid more and more attention to singing over the past year or two, it became clear that I would benefit from some formal training. This summer I'll be whipping these vocal cords into shape! Lessons are going great so far.

Thanks for checking in and reading, everyone!

I'll have plenty more to write on in the coming weeks, whenever I get the time. A few "Roscoe's blog-worthy" events have occurred, not the least of which being THE RELEASE OF DAVID CROWDER'S SOLO ALBUM.... He-llo! Neon Steeple in the house! You can bet I'll talk about it soon enough.


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