Finding how to worship everywhere and every way

Monday, February 24, 2014

Read This First

He must become greater, I must become less.
John 3:30

Hi everyone! Welcome to my very first blog post! In my experience, I have found that enterprises that begin with a specific purpose tend to be more fulfilling and successful... So, I am setting out to answer the question: why am I writing a blog?

Now I certainly don’t claim to have any particular aptitude for writing. I do not portend in any way to be particularly skilled in this area; I have no evidence to suggest that I am gifted at blogging. The idea of starting a blog only popped into my head for one simple reason: I thought it would be fun. I still think so! Since then, I have gone on to think about the purpose such a blog could serve for myself and the people who read it.

You should know that I am a Christian. You should know because it’s my defining characteristic- I’m a Christian before I’m anything else. I believe every word of the Bible is true, and I love the Lord with all my heart and seek to serve him every day. This blog is a tool with which I wish to live out 1 Corinthians 10:31: “so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” These posts are meant to tell the story of one guy trying to do everything he does for the glory of God. Do I succeed? Do I do everything for His glory? By all means, no! I don’t think I’ll ever reach the point on this earth where I can perfectly live out verses like 1 Corinthians 10:31. Is that going to stop me from trying to live it out a little bit more each day? NO!

Interestingly, this blog itself is an exercise in living 1 Corinthians 10:31. This blog is for God’s glory. It does not exist solely to journal my experiences, to be interesting, amusing, or funny, or (Heaven forbid) to bring me glory. It’s all about Him! There’s nothing special about me. Don’t read this blog just to hear about Roscoe Rea; read it to hear Christ magnified.

A disclaimer: There is a large flaw in the way in which I am communicating with all of you readers (typing blog posts); written communication is never quite as effective as a real conversation. I say this in order to tell you that I don’t ever want anything I write on this blog to come off as pretentious or prideful. I’m not somehow better than you, I don’t think I have it all figured out, I don’t think I should have the final word on anything… I could go on for a while- I’m not starting a blog to look cool. But even when typing this paragraph, I don’t want to come off as pretentious! Do you appreciate the difficulty of my situation?

That being said, all I need you to do is to give me some space, and hope I mean the best if I ever write something that could be interpreted negatively. If there’s ever humor you don’t “get,” remember that I write this blog with a smile on my face! Hopefully it can put a smile on yours.

Soon I’ll write a post about myself to give this blog more context.That should give you an idea of the kind of posts you’re likely to see. More on the blog (like, what the title means..) later. Until then, hang tight!

To God be the glory!

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