Finding how to worship everywhere and every way

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How Creation Worships

I visited the Creation Museum today. Naturally, it got me thinking about... well... creation... Specifically, how the magnificence of God is evident in the magnificence of his creation. It brought up an odd little thought of mine I've thrown out at numerous small group discussions over the years. So let's talk about it!

God created everything for His glory (including us). The ultimate goal of it all is to glorify the Lord (something that is more enjoyable than anything the world can offer, making it a mutually beneficial goal for us humans to adopt). Furthermore, I think God made certain things just to tell us more about himself.

First notice: God, in his infinite wisdom, power, and creativity, could have created a universe in any way he wanted. He is more creative than we could ever be (we can only think of rearrangements of things He's created, He can actually create something out of nothing). So, he didn't make something like water because it was actually necessary for the universe to work. At a certain level it is, but he could have created an entirely different universe with no water that would still work- anyway that's not really the point. The point is, He made water to say, "hey, you see how vast the ocean is and how small you are in relation to it? That's kind of like me." "See how magnificent all of these galaxies and galaxy clusters are? That's kind of like me."

Basically, a lot of metaphors that we use to teach about God were actually created by Him- in reverse. He thought, "how do I give them an idea of just how glorious and radiant I am... I can't show them, they'll blow up... right, I'll make the sun!" (I doubt His thought process was exactly that, but the point stands.) The sun gives us a way to understand (to a lesser degree) a lot of things about God- his vastness, his power, his constancy, his faithfulness.

When I look up into the night sky (or watch a really cool "The Created Cosmos" planetarium show), I marvel at the God who is so glorious that such things are just cheap imitations of the real thing. I think when we get to Heaven and see Him, even the brightest colors on earth will seem muddy in comparison. There will probably be a "THAT'S what He meant!" moment when we realize why he gave us all these galaxies and nebulae and star clusters- just to give us a little picture of Him.

Will we wrap our minds around how great and glorious God is? No, not on this earth anyway. But, thanks to the beautiful creation He's given us, we can get little glimpses of it here and there. Paul had it right when he said we're "without excuse-" creation clearly evidences a very great and very glorious God!

We, like the rest of creation, were created for the purpose of giving God glory, and will be most satisfied and most effective when fulfilling that purpose. (see What Is Worship?) The being that made the sun, stars, oceans, and galaxies is more than worthy of my worship, my life.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

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